Birth story - Lauren and baby Mason

Lauren is a first time mum who was induced at 37 weeks + 6 days due to being diagnosed with obstetric cholestasis, during the coronavirus pandemic. She found that positive affirmations and the breathing techniques helped her most during labour. Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Claire and baby Elise

Claire is a first time mum who had a natural, waterbirth at home. Although she had been classed as high risk, Claire did a lot of research and decided that a home birth would be best for her and her baby. She gained valuable information from the digital pack and went on to have a positive birth experience. Read her story here…

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Birth story - Emma and baby Callum

Emma is a first time mum who was induced at 38 weeks + 4 days. Her birth took a few unpredictable turns which ended in an unplanned cesarean, Emma remained calm and measured thought as she was able to make informed decisions, which was helped greatly by the digital pack. Read her positive birth story here…

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