Welcome to a mini-guide to the PBC Packs (aka our online courses!)

Hello and welcome to The Positive Birth Company. We're so happy you're here! No matter where you are in your pregnancy journey, whether you’re just beginning, currently pregnant or have already met your little one, we have a digital course for you. Each online course is designed to guide you through your current stage from our qualified experts, by giving you professional advice and guidance. Continue on to read about each of our packs - which are designed to support you through your fertility journey, your pregnancy, your birth, your postnatal period all the way to life with a pre-schooler! Don’t forget, you can also purchase our packs in bundles for a discounted price.

The Fertility Pack

A fully comprehensive, inclusive, expert-led guide to the conception period.

This online course covers everything you need to know as you begin your path to parenthood, helping you navigate your journey to conception in an empowered, informed, and supported way.

The Pregnancy Pack

A digital pregnancy manual for the 21st century.

Not to be confused with our Hypnobirthing Pack, this online course is your digital companion through pregnancy. Offering on-demand, expert guidance to help you navigate your pregnancy. From those two blue lines to babe in arms, we’ve got you.

The Hypnobirthing Pack

Our bestselling - and first ever - online course. A fully comprehensive online hypnobirthing program.

The Hypnobirthing Pack will help you prepare for your birth and leave you feeling calm, confident, and capable. It will give you all the knowledge and practical tools you'll need to navigate your birth, no matter how it pans out.

The Early Years Pack

Our online course for the older baby years through to pre-school.

Google a parenting question and you’ll get a million different answers. We know, we’ve been there too. But with The Early Years Pack you won’t have to ask the internet, even if you’re looking for a solution to toddler sleep regression at 3am.

The Postpartum Pack

Our online course for new parents - to ensure a positive postnatal period.

The Postpartum Pack, will equip you with the knowledge, practical tools, and support you need to navigate the fourth trimester and beyond, feeling calm, confident, and capable. Covering everything you need to know for the early days, weeks, and months of life with a newborn baby.

To summarise

  • The Fertility Pack - to support you on your journey to conception.

  • The Pregnancy Pack - to help you navigate your pregnancy.

  • Hypnobirthing Pack - to help you prepare for a positive birth.

  • Postpartum Pack - to ensure a positive postnatal period.

  • Early Years Pack - empowers you to positively tackle whatever parenting challenge your tot throws at you next.


Our mini-guide for Birth Partners


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