Which antenatal class is right for you?


So you’re pregnant. Congratulations! This is happening! A tiny new member of the household is going to arrive on the scene in the next few months, and while you’re probably brimming with excitement, you’re perhaps also a little nervous. That’s totally normal, especially for first time parents, but it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it! The most powerful thing you can do to take control of these feelings of the unknown is to get access to some really good antenatal education. But where to start? In this blog, we’re going to tell you about all the antenatal options out there, so you can find the right one for you.

  1. What is antenatal education?

    Antenatal means before birth, relating to pregnancy. But good antenatal education will also cover everything you need to know about birth and vital parts of the postnatal (that’s once baby is here!) period. Antenatal education is all about building your knowledge so you can be prepared and make the right decisions for you and your family.

  2. What different classes are available?

    You generally have a choice between in-person classes, live group classes and on-demand classes. You can weigh up what you like the sound of! Generally the things to consider are cost, time and content. So, work out your budget and how much time you want to dedicate to your antenatal education.

    There is a big range in cost for these different classes. Online on-demand classes are normally around £40 and group classes more like £200 - 300+ unless you can find good provision from your NHS Trust. Lots of classes have additional costs for the all important hypnobirthing (explained below), or don’t provide it at all - so look out for that!

    On demand classes can be done from the comfort of your sofa, as and when you are in the mood! No visit to a cold, dusty church hall on your precious Saturday afternoon! You can also circle back easily to repeat any sessions that are particularly helpful, or practice relaxation techniques. If your birth partner isn’t around to watch the whole course (though we do recommend this), you can flag up sections that you want them to be particularly engaged with.

    In-person classes are a good place to meet other local people that are having babies at the same time as you, but if an online course is your preference, most of them also provide a community of other mums-to-be, due at the same time as you, that you can reach out to with questions and for advice.

  3. What do I need to learn from antenatal classes?

    Most antenatal classes will talk through the important birth prep basics, like different types of birth, what to pack in your hospital bag and how to change a nappy. But our mantra is ‘knowledge is power’ and so we recommend that you ensure your knowledge is going to be taken to the next level with whatever antenatal classes you choose. Here’s what you should look out for:

  • Hypnobirthing (science, not hypnosis!): Hypnobirthing is an evidence-based approach to birth that seeks to empower women and birthing people with knowledge, practical tools and support, enabling them to have a positive birth experience, however they choose to bring their baby into the world.

    You learn about birth physiology, how your body works on a muscular and hormonal level, and what you can do to help make your birth easier, quicker and more comfortable. Once you know why it's so important to be relaxed, you learn techniques to achieve this, so your body can work comfortably as it's designed to, allowing you to navigate your birth feeling calm and, most importantly, in control.

  • Birth preferences: Your antenatal classes should be centred around empowering you to establish your own birth preferences. You want unbiased information so that you can write down your preferences, discuss them with your birth partner and make any midwives or medical specialists aware throughout your pregnancy and birth.

  • Decision-making tools: While nobody can predict how any individual pregnancy or birth will progress, what we can do is help you to be fully equipped to make the right decision for you and your baby. Make sure your antenatal classes teach you decision-making techniques that can be applied simply when in a potentially fast moving situation!

  • Key information: As a pregnant person, there are so many eventualities you want to be prepared for. Just to name a few, you’re going to want to be clued up on…..birth settings, pain relief, inductions, due dates and gestation, baby’s position, sweeps, c-sections, intervention, potential for tearing, the third stage. Make sure your classes will include all of this and give you a balanced view so you can apply your decision-making tools to make the right choices for you.

  • Birth itself: Perhaps the most important of all is understanding the stages of labour and early postpartum hours so you know how to support your body and baby throughout. This is the same for all types of births, including c-sections. Knowing the process and what to expect so you can take it all in your stride and be excited about meeting your baby. Antenatal classes should be geared towards giving you a simplistic but scientific view of birth so you can digest the information and recognise the different stages when they come.

Remember - knowledge is power!

At The Positive Birth Company, we are on a mission to provide as many people as possible with good antenatal and postnatal education and support. We do this through life-changing online courses, incredible online communities and access to some of the best minds in the fields of birth, health and psychology. Our resources are affordable and accessible to all, no matter where you are or how busy your life is.

So, check out our digital packs and start your journey to empowerment today!


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