Throughout my miracle pregnancy, I was considered “high risk” due to PV bleeding, gestational diabetes and previous uterine surgery. An elective c-section was always bounced around as the professionals preferred mode of delivery and something my partner and I had come to terms with.

Baby threatened labour during my baby shower (yup - you read that right!) and at 35+6 and after a short stay in hospital, they decided to stay put for a little longer and we were later booked in for a medical induction at 38+3.

The induction day arrived and we were both feeling nervous and excited about the prospect of meeting Baby over the next coming days. I joked with the consultant prior to my first examination and was hopeful that I was already in labour, he laughed and stated “You don’t look like someone who is”. Well, I’ll be blown - he was shocked as I was, I was already 3cm and our baby wanted out. Turns out that backache wasn’t due to me sitting awkwardly on the sofa after all.

My waters broke at 13:50 and we were in for the waiting game….or so we thought. Half attempting to watch Breaking Bad through surges that intensified quickly and a short walk around the hospital, things ramped up quickly. Within a few hours, I was in established labour and Baby was keen to arrive.

We had an open birthing plan and following the midwifes advice, we opted for pethidine when given the choice. WOWEE - pethidine with meditation between the surges and a picture of my late mum in labour with me by my bedside - I was able to refocus and rest. It was great advice and certainly helped contribute towards our positive labour experience.

Before we knew it, our little miracle arrived just before midnight. Anais Isla - you rock our world.

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