Birth story - Kallie and baby Cruz


Overall my pregnancy was very positive, apart from the typical sickness and fatigue as expected in the first trimester. I ensured I remained as active as possible throughout and found this really helped later on in pregnancy.

Before my estimated ‘due date’ I was very laid back as was aware its just an estimate and the baby would come when the baby was ready. However when my due date came and passed, I could feel myself becoming more stressed and inpatient. (I really did not want an induction for being ‘overdue’)

I was doing everything to induce labour naturally, such as walking, boosting my oxytocin levels, but still no sign of baby.

At 41 weeks I had my appointment with the midwife, who discussed about booking myself in for an induction. (The NHS advise to book an induction if over 42 weeks).

Hearing the word induction made me feel really anxious, as I was not prepared to have an induction for being late, if everything was ok with baby of course. However, I did go ahead with booking an induction, as I knew I was able to cancel the appointment if it came to it.

Also, I was fully aware of the pros and cons of a stretch and sweep, and I wanted my midwife to do a cervical examination just to see if there was any signs. But my cervix was still very high and hard. Again I felt very disheartened at this point.

The next day my partner was working all day, so I decided to forget about the ‘dates’ and try to just focus on myself. I went for a 4 mile walk, listening to my birth playlist, met up with a friend, then had a bath in the evening, I felt so relaxed.

The next morning at 5am I had a really strong period cramp which woke me up. I went to the toilet, then back to sleep as didn’t want to get my hopes up the same happened again after 30 minutes. I still didn’t think anything of it.

Then the surges came every 20/15 minutes, I told my boyfriend and we decided to go for a walk with our dog. Whilst walking they were every 8 minutes, but very manageable. As I was feeling well we decided to stop at our favourite café and had a drink and cake.

We then got home around 1pm and I watched tv on the exercise ball. I made sure I was active and had gravity on my side. At this time the contractions were every 6 minutes, but still very manageable. (I was still in denial I was in labour as didn’t want to get my hopes up).

Around 4pm my surges suddenly stopped. I told my boyfriend to walk the dog and I stayed at home. I thought it was very common for first time mums to labour over a few days.

I went upstairs, shut my curtain, light the candles and played some music. Within about 5 minutes my surges came back, a lot stronger and every 4 minutes. They were still manageable at this time. My boyfriend came home, at about 7pm my surges started to get more intense, and I was finding it harder to manage them at home. I was using my up breathing throughout the day and using the Freya app, which was amazing!

We rung the maternity unit and they said to wait until the surges last 60 seconds long they never did, only 45 seconds). I was very determined to stay at home for as long as I could, so I decided to have a shower to help with the surges.

My boyfriend recognised I needed to go to the maternity unit. The drive was about 30 minutes, and I used my upbreathing throughout.

We arrived at the MLU around 22:30, the midwife’s were lovely, we got into our room, and the midwife examined me, I was 9cm dilated! I was in shock! The birth pool was already up and running, I got in. All of a sudden I got an urge to push, I used my down breathing, gas and air, and my Labour playlist was in the back ground.

The down breathing really helped to make sure my face and body was not tensing up. (To reduced the risk of tears) I did have a little wobble, but my boyfriend and midwife got me through it. Shorty after our beautiful baby boy was born just after midnight! I chose to have my placenta delivered by the injection, and had delayed cord clamping. I required stitches for 2 labial tears, but again was fine, nothing to worry about! Eveything was all ok and we was discharged in the morning

I can honestly say it was the best experience of my life!

When I first found out I was pregnant I was so scared about giving birth, but thank you to the Positive Birth Company for completely changing my outlook to birth, it was amazing!!!

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