Birth story - Cinthia and baby Lucca

This is one of those long, but definitely worth reading birth stories that doesn't go according to plan and still is very positive, I promise!

I woke up on July 1st at 4:30 having period like cramps. Went to the bathroom, waited a bit and started to notice that the cramps were rhythmic, so they were actually surges.

At around 5:30 I started timing them and decided to wake Dad up to let him know that we needed to start prep for labour. Upon hearing that the contractions were taking place he seriously asked: "Where's my manual?" We laughed a lot (which helped me release lots of oxytocin). We had breakfast.

It didn't take long for the app to warn us to call the hospital, as I was in active labor.

We were told that we should go to the hospital. I took a shower, got everything (including masks to protect us from the coronavirus) and called a taxi. Before I left the house, I started using my tens machine, which was a lifesaver really. The journey took about 15 min and wasn't as bad as I expected.

At the hospital I was examined and found that I was already with 7 cm(!!!) dilated. However, I also discovered that the baby was in breech position. At that moment I knew that my dream of a water birth would not come true, but I was calm, because the most important thing was that he came out safely.
The Midwife did an emergency scan to check if baby's legs were up or down. If they were down I would have to go through c-section, but they were up.

The midwife gave us two options: having a cesarean or attempting a normal delivery, which would have to be done without any anaesthetic, since I needed to feel all the commands in my body.

I was already a little disoriented by the surges at that moment, so my birth partner took control of the situation and, thinking about my birth plan, outlined the strategy of continuing to monitor the surges until 11am and see how the dilation developed. In case things got complicated, we still had the option of c-section.

I wish I had my mother by my side during the delivery but due to coronavirus situation it wasn't possible. However we managed, between one contraction and another, to speak quickly with her via Whatsapp. I felt comforted and ready to do whatever was necessary.

After that, everything happened very quickly, the surges got very powerful. As a way of relieving the pain a little, I was using tens machine and gas & air - however it made me a little sick so I used it only in the strongest surges.

I felt that I needed to go to the bathroom for “number 2”. My husband asked the midwife if I could use the toilet and she said that this sensation was probably the baby making pressure to be born and asked me to get on my knees at the head of the bed.

Moments later the waters broke. I was examined again to see if it was still safe to have a normal birth and I got the go-ahead. The desire to do “number 2” only increased and I kept asking to go to the bathroom. I also complained that I was very tired, but the comforting words of partner and the midwife kept me firm in my mission to bring baby into the world.

At about midday a midwife team was positioned, as I was entering the second phase of birth. The surges were very powerful and I can barely remember it.

The midwives asked me to follow my body and push when I felt like it. I pushed and felt the baby's body coming out a little and coming back in, I pushed again and the same thing happened. On the third strength baby's hip came out and I felt great relief. I was very tired, but I knew I had to continue, I didn't hesitate and gave my all. I thought about the risks my baby was taking (the main one was respiratory) and concentrated on getting him out of danger as soon as possible. One more push, one leg, then the other, the back and finally the head. With only 8 minutes of pushing, my son was born.


I was still on my knees I received Lucca in my hands. The cord had not yet been cut as I asked for the late cord cut. I could feel all the happiness in that room. My midwife was thrilled and crying, my husband was ecstatic.

I was instructed to lie in bed and stayed there for a long time (an hour or more) with baby in my arms. I was instantly in love. In the meantime, I received an injection to birth the placenta.

The midwife asked husband if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord and he promptly replied that he did not. From there we started the most challenging and beautiful adventure of our lives: being Lucca's parents.

I owe all this security, tranquillity and determination to my husband - without his decisions and support this delivery would not have been possible. I also thank the incredible hypnobirthing course and the fantastic team that attended me during pregnancy and birth, especially the midwife Laura.

Thank you for reading my story, which came out much better than I had planned and hope it can inspire yours.

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