Birth story - Charli and baby Daphne

*Trigger Warning* - preeclampsia

I am still trying to process the whirlwind of the past two weeks. Having had two previous positive home births I was hoping for the same this time. At 37 weeks my sons and I prepared my birthing area, put up my affirmation posters, made the space calm and arranged everything needed for the midwives. I was so excited to get to labour again.

My pregnancy this time was far harder than my previous pregnancies. I ended up in hospital for a few days at 29 weeks pregnant which I found really tough, my youngest son broke his femur when I was 20 weeks which was extremely hard on me physically to take care of him and lots of other stresses and pressure.

At about 37 weeks I kept getting Braxton hicks, Every time I had one my neck would hurt and my head would feel a little foggy. I didn’t really think much of it. This carried on for a week but my midwife checks were all ok.

I woke up at 38+2 with a huge headache and my vision in my right eye went blurry. I spoke to my friend who is a nurse and she told me to get straight to hospital. I dithered for a while thinking it was nothing, I spoke to labour ward who wanted me to get checked out so I rang my husband and asked him to come home to take me. He came and got me and dropped me at hospital so he could stay with the kids.

I got in to triage and they did my blood pressure which was 161 (it’s normally around 110 max). They tested my urine and it was positive for protein. They hooked me up to a monitor and checked my blood pressure every 15 minutes. It went up to 191. By this point I was really starting to panic. They said they needed to get me straight to the labour suite so I could be monitored continuously. This made me realise the gravity of the situation. I rang my husband who managed to arrange childcare and came down to be with me.

I continued to be monitored whilst given various meds to try and stabilise my blood pressure. By this point I was in shock. My body kept shaking with anxiety (I have hospital anxiety and hate any medical proceedures). I was having to use up breathing to steady myself at this point and keep myself as calm as I could.

A consultant came to speak to me and advised we needed to get baby girl out as soon as possible and recommended an induction. Knowing I was only 38+2 and that both my precious babies were born at 42 weeks I was reluctant to try induction. I had to use my BRAIN and ask what the other options were. They advised I could go home when it was controlled but it would be dangerous given how high my blood pressure was, I could have an induction/waters broken or a c section (but they were very against this). I decided to opt for an examination to see how favourable my cervix was and then to decide. My cervix was posterior, high, 1cm dilated and slightly soft. I didn’t think this was a favourable position so I opted for a C-section. I was advised countless times by countless consultants that this was the wrong choice. I stood strong and said I’d made my mind up. I would rather be in control of my birth than attempt an induction putting undue stress on my baby and body which could potentially end in an emergency section.

In the end we were booked for a C-section at 38+4. We ended up waiting all day until 2030 to be taken down to theatre. I was an anxious mess and continued to use up breathing to keep calm. The medical team were all very kind and sweet. They explained everything that was happening. Any time I started to panic I would use my up breathing. The proceedure went smoothly and baby was delivered safely.

Recovery is going well at home and I’m actually in less pain that I thought I would be.

I am still struggling mentally with knowing I didn’t get the third home birth that I wanted but I know deep down that to keep myself and my baby safe was more important.

I cannot recommend the PBC enough. I don’t think I’d have ever had the bravery or strength to get through this without the knowledge and tools of the course.

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