Birth story - Becki and baby Emilie


I went for a sweep on Tuesday 5th to try get things moving. I lost some of my plug later that day and I was on my ball the rest of the day.

Wednesday 6th we went for a long walk and again went on my ball. I started getting a few cramps in my back and lower stomach. I started timing these at 5pm. They were getting more frequent at every 7 minutes, constantly on the toilet. I rang the hospital and was advised to ring back once they became every 4 minutes lasting 60 seconds.

I had 3 baths to help and was on my ball. I listened to the mp3 in the bath with my led lamp.

Around 5am my surges were every 4 minutes last 50 seconds. I rang the hospital and they said I could come in to get assessed but not to be disheartened if they had to send me home. I rang my mum and my partner got the bags in the car.

It's took us 25 minutes to get to the hospital. Once I got to the hospital my surges had stopped which upset me. I was assessed and I was 5cm, they thought the change in environment along with anxiety had stopped my surges.

I was led to the water pool and bounced on the ball to get my surges going again which within an hour they were back regular.


I got into the pool and was examined 4 hours later. I was 7cm. I had some paracetamol to help with the pain, and kept breathing through my surges. The lights were completely dimmed and I had spa music in the background. I had two midwives, one a student, who were both amazing. They let me go with my body. I tried gas and air which made sick so I didn't have any more.

I started the need to push, and was due to be examined again. Getting out of the pool was horrendous at this point. I was examined and the midwife could feel her head. I got back into the pool and baby head came pretty quick.

Unfortunately 2 pushes later her shoulders got stuck and I had to be pulled quickly out of the pool and she was quickly pulled out. Thankfully she was fine, we were all shocked how big she was as nothing had been picked up.


My partner cut babies cord. The placenta was delivered 5 minutes after and I was taken over to the bed to have skin to skin. I only needed internal stitches. We came home the next day and we are all doing great. The positive birthing was amazing and the positive thinking along with the breathing got me through labour with just 2 paracetamol. I would highly recommend this. Thanks for everyone's stories. Xx

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